The SmartLeap Journey

The SmartLeap Journey

Is your company not reaching its full market potential? Are the internal structures hindering business growth instead of supporting and promoting it? If your vision is to build a sustainable growth-oriented business, we should work together.

About The SmartLeap Journey

Our SmartLeap program assesses every aspect of your business for predictable results in just two years. We build professional management structures and provide guidance in what modern business and IT systems need implementing to drive sustainable growth and increase your business’s value.

The SmartLeap Journey in practice, step-by-step

Current situation analysis

This is where you learn the company’s current situation is and what obstacles is it facing


Merging the founder’s and the company’s visions

Process development

Control, reports, processes

Self-managed business

Along with the management, you learn how to create and carry out strategies

What are the benefits of The SmartLeap Journey?

How much time do I need to invest?

  • Usually 2-2.5 years
  • We have encounters evert month including some intensive and result-oriented workshop days as well as online consultations on your progress
  • You – the owner – and your management team will take part together
  • We create the foundations of the company’s operation, 
  • We stabilize your new „ways of working” by solving the problems and challenges that arise, 
  • The new operating system will become your new routine.

The first steps of your SmartLeap Journey…

75-minute cost-free consultation

  • To talk over details
  • To understand your exact expectations
  • To agree on the foundation of our cooperation

Getting started

  • By taking the maturity assessment, or
  • By attending the personal why workshop
  • By kicking off the SmartLeap Journey